Monthly Archives: July 2015

Launch! (And mid-year check-in)


Just a brief post to officially say hello to you here at my new writing web site!

Between setting this site up and that distracting thing known as life in general, there haven’t been any new blog posts since January. But now that we are back in business, and I’ve moved my blog over here with the rest of my writing, I aim to return to a blessed state of regularity.

Speaking of regularity, my writing goal for the year, as mentioned in an earlier blog post, is to average 5 hours/week. Excel informs me that my average for the first half of the year has been closer to 1.13 hours/week. I feel really okay with setting ambitious goals and falling short, since you still end up way ahead of where you would have without them. I’d like to fall short by a little less than 4.5:1 though. Better pour it on in the second half!

On the submission front, fortunately, I’m at 25 regular weekly submissions so far this year, which leaves me well on track for beating my 2014 pace of 43. Current lifetime stats since I began regularly weekly submissions in mid 2008:


So that’s me. How’s your writing and submitting going? Drop a line and check in!